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What is Dental Crown?

Dental crowns, also referred to as dental caps, are made-to-order restorations that cover a tooth that has been broken or decayed, restoring its size, shape, strength, and appearance. They are a flexible form of dental care that can treat a variety of dental conditions while also improving function and appearance.

In restorative dentistry, dental crowns have several functions. They are frequently utilized for safeguarding and fortifying teeth that serious decay, fractures, or sizable fillings have compromised. The functionality of a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy can also be restored with crowns because it may become more brittle with age. Dental crowns can also make a tooth look better by enhancing its color, shape, and alignment.

A dental crown is typically obtained through a multi-step process. The dentist will first examine the affected tooth to see if a crown is the best action. They will examine the tooth, take X-rays, and discuss the recommended course of action with the patient.

To ensure the patient’s comfort, the dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic before shaping the tooth for the crown. The tooth will then be meticulously reshaped and shrunk to accommodate the crown. An impression of the tooth will be made to create the custom-made crown in a dental laboratory.

A temporary crown will be put on the tooth to keep it safe while the permanent one is being made. The patient will visit again after the last crown is completed. After carefully positioning and adjusting the permanent crown for fit and bite, the temporary crown is taken off. The crown is permanently cemented once the patient and the dentist are happy with the outcome.

Dental crowns have many benefits. They allow for normal chewing and speaking functions by reinstating the strength and integrity of a compromised tooth. They also guard the tooth’s underlying structure against further decay or breaks.

Dental crowns can significantly enhance a tooth’s aesthetics. They are made to blend seamlessly with the natural teeth, looking as though they have always been there. Crowns can also help straighten teeth by filling in spaces and adjusting minor misalignments.

Dental crowns can last for many years with the right maintenance. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits includes brushing, flossing, and scheduling regular check-ups and cleanings at the dentist. Avoiding practices like grinding teeth or biting down on hard objects can also help the crown last longer.

To sum up, dental crowns are a flexible and successful treatment option for restoring broken or decayed teeth. They help patients restore their teeth’ strength, functionality, and natural appearance by offering functional and aesthetic benefits. Thanks to dental materials and technology developments, crowns are now more enduring and lifelike than ever. Dental crowns might be a good option to improve or repair a tooth. Consult a qualified dentist to discuss your unique requirements and decide how to achieve a healthy and attractive smile.